Monday, June 8, 2015

Fitness Journey

Hello my Fit Beauties,

Hope all is blessed your world today. I am writing my first fitness post. Trying to hold myself accountable for all that I do everyday is pretty tough when you don't have anyone to report in to. Now that I finally have my blogs up and running and I am making a commitment to change my circumstances I have that place to just vent.
Ive never been what I would consider a fat girl I've ranged in weight from 145-189 over the past 9 years. The problem is that over the last 2 years Ive been consistently increasing to hit that 189 mark and i have not been decreasing to get to a comfortable weight. Now, I'm older and about to be 27 in about 6 weeks and I want to be in the 170s before that time frame that's roughly 19 pounds. I think it is doable with the...drum roll please....21 day fix... I have started and restarted the program twice and I'm tired of starting over and as Autumn says....

I'm working on being the best ME that I can be and I'll be definitely posting some Vlogs with What I ate Wednesday and Fitness Fridays in the next couple of weeks. 

Ok...ready for me to be real with you guys.....

I feel like I'm WEAK...I have to constantly press pause during the workouts because I'm so tired or it hurts so bad. 

I know these are EXCUSES and people say that you can push through the pain and be stronger but I just don't know how. Any tips leave them below....Until next time, Ill keep you guys posted. I start the eating plan tomorrow and Ill have one post for you guys this week. Comment below with your tips or if you need a space to vent let me know. KEEP GOD First!!!!!!!!!